Sunday 12 June 2011


A beautiful sail down the Sound of Mull, tacking against mostly light winds into Tobermory. So far we haven't spotted any of the wildlife that this area is famous for. We probably need to go further out but the weather isn't quite right for that yet.
The town is just as quiet and pretty as Balamory showed it to be, and largely unspoilt. There is no gimmicky reference to the tv program at all, and no exploitation of Scotishness, cheap kilt and tacky gift shops etc. In fact they don't try very hard at all as far as tourism is concerned. Most attractions, the museum and the distillery for example are shut at the weekend.
We went for a walk in the evening and were passed by just one car. There were some motorcyclists waiting for the ferry and a lot of back packers but no motor homes or caravans.
The Lord Nelson arrived and moored up, on its way to Oban for a change of crew before the Tall Ships, cruise in company and then Race.

After seeing three hundred cyclists set off for an eighty mile ride round the island, and feeling a bit ashamed of our lack of exercise lately we went for a cliff top walk and got thos photo from above the bay.
You can just see Tehari II on the pontoon.

1 comment:

  1. I've just been catching up with all your Scottish Loch's and Isles blogs! Lovely stuff! It sounds like it's been an utterly fantastic holiday!

    Rosie xxx
