Saturday 25 June 2011

Portavadie/Kames Bay/Holy Lock/Carrick Castle and back to Bute

We've been to a whole lot of places since I last blogged. Most of the anchorages and moorings didn't have internet signal, but we're still out here and still enjoying ourselves. There's been a lot of rain this week and very light winds so our trips have been fairly short, sailing at two miles an hour and taking in the landscape.
Typically it's looked a bit like this.

We met up with Jolly Olly and the intrepid Oliver Rofix again in Tarbert and as he was going across to Portavadie so did we.
Jolly Olly lying next to Tehari II

Portavadie is the most luxurious marina I've ever been in. Beautiful facilities, showers bathroom etc complete with hair straighteners, heating and piped music. Also very good restaurant. After that it was anchorages and mooring bouys again.

Sailed up loch Long, very slowly, to Carrick Castle and met up with Douglas and Liz from Dream Weaver who treated us to a lovely meal and taught us to play Rummikub. (Thanks again for a lovely evening Doug and Liz.)   Now at Rothesay on the Isle of Bute, replenishing the larder and planning where to go to pick up Kirsty and Rick next week.

1 comment:

  1. The photo's look great beautiful reflections your not missing anything down here thunder storms - B'ton swimming club hitting the Argus headlines expelling Henry Law from from the club for moaning!!
    Tony himself was asking after you both I am going to send him your Blog details so he can see all the wonderful places you have been to. Have fun with Rick and Kirsty...when are you due back? If ever? x Eileen
