Saturday 4 June 2011

Goodbye Ben Nevis

We're sitting in Corpach Basin at the foot of Ben Nevis. We came through ten locks, each of which dropped by some ten feet, and only one more will take us to sea level and out of the canal.

We went for a walk towards Ben Nevis and were a little tempted but in the end blamed the lack of footwear for failing to make an ascent. It would have been irresponsible, wouldn't it?
We spoke to a family who we met earlier in the week, at that time they were sailing a hired YM30. They returned the yacht on Friday morning, and then climbed the mountain, Mum, Dad and two young children. Both parents were tired and achy but the kids could have happily run up it a second time!

While we're on the subject of walking, if anyone hasn't sponsered my amazing daughter Helen Hindle, who is doing the....
Trailwalker UK 2011 The original 100km team challenge, across the South Downs with the Gurkhas. 100 kilometres in 30hours. The link is


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