Wednesday 1 June 2011

Locks and Lochs

The Scottish guy at the lock said that these two words are pronounced differently, Damned if I could make any distinction between them.
Made good progress in horrible weather (rained all day and breezy at times) down the Caledonian. Negotiated a flight of five locks outside Fort Augustus, followed by two separate locks and two swing bridges. We have finished going up and will start the downward locks tomorrow.
At the last lock we called in on a friend of a friend, a retired policeman who lives up here in an old lock keepers cottage. Very interesting fellow and good company.   
We have now transversed Loch Oich and are waiting for tomorrow to dawn bright and sunny and dry (as promised by the forecasters) before we enter Loch Lochy.  
No pictures, visibility too poor.

1 comment:

  1. Another Locke (Douglas & Liz Evans) now in Laggan Locks (West side) on yacht Dream Weaver say the G&T's will be ready in Banavie Thursday evening after Neptune's Staircase...
