Sunday 14 August 2011

David's visit

Last week we had another visitor. David flew into Stornaway and joined us for a circuit of the Minch.
This is one of the habour seals in Stornoway. They are very tame as the fishing boats feed them, and come right up to the boats looking for titbits. 
We had a cracking sail across to Ullapool in a reasonable amount of wind but after that it was more motor sailing as the wind went light. We went south to Gairloch and Rona.
This is our anchorage in Rona, one of our favourite islands so far.
It has a population of one, Billy the island manager but has a few holiday cottages. We saw onl one other couple as we walked across the island to a cave that due to its vaulted roof was used as a church when the island had a population. It is now used for one service a year, on Good Friday though other services can be arranged.

David has a better camera than us so managed to get these pictures of eagles as we left Portree, Skye. For most of his week we had beautiful weather but on the Thursday it threatened to break so we decided on 
returning to Stornaway via Loch Torridon and then hiring a car to explore the Isle of Lewis.

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